I’m currently seeking a little bit of financial help to initiate an alley cropping demonstration site in a village in the Borneo rainforest. The Penan people were traditionally hunter gatherers with a tiny number are still living this lifestyle. The Penan village I work with settled around 45-50 years ago and began carrying out swidden agriculture like the settled Dayak tribes. Now due to a doubling in population size and a reduction in available land due to plantation developments the people are having to go into their undisturbed rainforest reserve area to clear for rice growing. There is more information here.
Penan Permaculture Project
Hi all. I have made the ethics and principles card set freely available as I didn’t want to do it as a commercial venture but as a way of honouring Bill Mollison and his incredible visionary work. Permaculture altered my life totally and gave it real meaning for the first time. While I enjoy my permaculture work here in Australia, where I’m currently developing community food gardens, my heart has always been in overseas permaculture aid work.