18 thoughts on “Permaculture Ethics

  1. Perhaps the most concise yet detailed overview of ethics and principles i have seen, nice design! I am using immediately for a workshop and more sharing…thanks a trillion!

  2. thank you so much for this gift, a question; are the cards in Spanish, too? my question has its origin in my desire to promote the Permaculture in the Andes, the chain of mountains, that is so much violates by human exploitation. Best regards Hanne / Denmark

    1. They are not yet in Spanish, but would assist anyone who has the skills to translate them and help get a Spanish set and any other language version out there.

        1. Cannot see your email address, but I suppose you have mine from this form 🙂 Yes please do send the doc across and we can get cracking on that with a group of people involved in setting up a national network for PC. Thank you!

        2. I’ve put the Word document with the cards on it up, as well as the Word version of the accompanying mindmaps. Just click on the links to the left.

  3. Thank you so much. I intend to translate them into Hebrew for use in my classroom.

  4. Very well presented set of Permaculture Ethics and Principles cards.well done Brett.

  5. Thank you so much Brett, these are great. Love the idea of translating them into different languages to be used worldwide for diverse populations.

    1. Thank you so much. I didn’t want to overshadow the cards or make people feel they had to contribute so I haven’t highlighted it on the website. I had thought of selling the cards and mindmaps (coming soon) to help fund the overseas aid stuff but didn’t want to limit people’s access to the cards. In the end I decided I wanted to give them away as a tribute to Bill and his vision, and with the hope they put others on the Permaculture pathway.

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